
Showing posts from June, 2024


@echo off @echo off REM Set environment variable to suppress the welcome screen set STREAMLIT_SERVER_HEADLESS=true  set STREAMLIT_BROWSER_GATHERUSAGESTATS=false REM Change to the directory containing your Streamlit app cd /d "C:\path\to\your\streamlit\app" REM Run the Streamlit app using the specified Python executable "C:\Python39\python.exe" -m streamlit run REM Close the command prompt window after execution exit REM Change to the directory containing your Streamlit app cd /d "C:\path\to\your\streamlit\app" REM Run the Streamlit app using the specified Python executable "C:\Python39\python.exe" -m streamlit run REM Keep the command prompt open after execution pause path - C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe C:\path\to\your\batchfile Step 4: Configure the Service Using NSSM GUI Path : In the Application tab, for the Path field, browse to your cmd.exe executable, typically located at C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe . Startup Directory : Set...

Step-by-Step Guide for Offline Installation of python packages

  Step-by-Step Guide for Offline Installation of Dash Step 1: Download All Required Packages and Dependencies Download Packages on an Online Machine : sh Copy code mkdir dash_packages pip download -d dash_packages dash This command downloads the dash package and all its dependencies into the dash_packages directory. Step 2: Transfer Packages to the Offline Environment Transfer the dash_packages Directory : Use a USB drive, external hard drive, or any other method to copy the dash_packages directory to the offline environment. Step 3: Install Packages in the Offline Environment Install Packages Using pip : sh Copy code pip install --no-index --find-links=dash_packages dash This command tells pip to install the dash package and its dependencies from the local dash_packages directory instead of looking for them online. Handling Complex Dependencies In some cases, a package may have very complex dependencies. Here’s how you can ensure all dependencies are captured: Use pip wit...