R - For Loop API upload - Key
# Load the necessary packages: httr and jsonlite install.packages ( "httr" ) install.packages ( "jsonlite" ) library ( httr ) library ( jsonlite ) library ( dplyr ) # Set up the API endpoint URL and the API key as variables. url <- "https://www.reed.co.uk/api/1.0/search?keywords=analyst&locationName=London&distancefromlocation=55&employerId=575264&resultsToTake=100" api_key <- authenticate ( user = "ADD API KEY HERE" , password = "" , type = "basic" ) # Create an empty list to store the API responses. responses <- list ( ) # Set up a for loop that iterates over a sequence of values that you want to query the API for. seq ( from = 1 , to = 1001 , by = 100 ) # Create a sequence going up by 100 for ( i in seq ( from = 1 , to = 1001 , by = 100 ) ) { # Construct the API request URL with the i value and the API key ...